Sunday, July 1, 2012

Our Worldly Possessions

Our shipment of goods arrived on Wednesday, and it was with a mixture of relief and dread that I watched them unloading the truck.  It sure seemed like a lot of junk, all piled up!

Happily, it was a dry morning (it's winter here, remember...) and the mountain (Mt. Wellington - Hobart's small but impressive local lordly peak) was out, in fine form (unfortunately partially blocked by a power pole):

Owen was on lookout for the truck (any possibility of a truck sighting is cause for great excitement):

And there it is, looking like it came straight off the ship, rather than over-ferry and overland from Melbourne:

Owen supervised the movers from the driveway, baby-ccino in hand (as a good supervisor should):

After a few hours, here they are, all our worldly possessions:

Maybe the most important single item was Owen's train table, which he hadn't seen, but Jayde and I had been eagerly anticipating (thanks, family - at last it has arrived!)  Owen helped with assembly:
 And here it is, all put together (the tracks were an after-bedtime assembly project):
This last picture is was taken about 8 am - by 9 most of the tracks had been disassembled and many, many more cars, trucks, and planes had entered the scene - like a mini-history of late 20th Century US (and Australia) rail transportation, played out in the living room of our home!  I'm so proud!

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