Monday, September 10, 2012


I think I heard a This American Life segment once about how the most common blog entry starts with, "I'm sorry it's been so long since I posted" - I'd like to add my name to the list of absentee blog-lords.  So, sorry if you've been waiting a long time for this.

We spent a week in Sydney with my parents, at a hotel right downtown that had 2 bedrooms and a nice living room and small but adequate kitchen.  It was a really nice way to spend time in the city - we were surrounded by an amazing array of transit types, there were grocery  stores and restaurants all over the place, and it was good to have space for Owen to play where we could all be together.  And it had a hardwired landline telephone!  So exciting for Owen, who has very rarely seen one in his life (maybe that accounts for his somewhat stiff formality in this photo...)

Sydney definitely deserves it's reputation as one of the world's beautiful cities - the integration of the city with the harbor is definitely my favorite part - not just the opera house but all the other little fingers of green that stick out into the water, with parks and houses and walking paths right on the edge, looking out over the thousands of boats.  I took a local ferry that stopped at 5 or 6 tiny docks, not much bigger than an urban bus stop.  I would love to commute this way.

Owen loved the transportation, too - although he's definitely not a fan of wind - on this ferry ride he struggled to choose between opening the window to see more, and closing it to keep the wind out.  In the end, he just opened it and closed it again and again to get the best of both worlds.

Owen had some great adventures with Nanny and Poppy - the aquarium, the zoo, the maritime museum...

Before we arrived in Hobart, a friend here said that summer in Tasmania would pass for winter anywhere else in Australia - the reverse is probably also true - it was warm enough at the depth of winter for a day at the beach playing in the surf.

And a colleague of Jayde's recommended a very, very nice Taiwanese restaurant - one of the nicest places we've eaten since Owen was born - so we went twice, and on the second trip we bought this amazing dessert called "Piggies visit Totoro's house" or something like that.  It was, frankly, better to look at than eat, but Owen (a big Totoro fan) was pretty happy.

So with that, I'll sign off with what is probably the second most common blog sentence - I promise I'll post more soon!

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